Peanut's Brother
Small and Adorable
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This is Wally!

Wally’s story is a heartfelt tribute born from love, loss, and hope—emerging from the bond between two brothers, a squirrel named Wally and his older brother Peanut, who grew up together on the Peanut farm. Their days were filled with joy, resilience, and a shared spirit of adventure. But tragedy struck when Peanut was tragically euthanized by a U.S. animal control organization. On the same day, their companion Fred, a raccoon, met the same cruel fate. The loss of Peanut and Fred created a profound emptiness, but it also sparked the creation of Wally—a symbol of strength, resilience, and hope for the pet community.
Today, Wally stands alone as the only squirrel on the Peanut farm. With Peanut and Fred gone, protecting Wally has never been more important. His rise and popularity will not only safeguard his life but also protect his companion animals who remain at the farm. Wally’s journey is more than just the story of one animal—it’s a movement that will give a voice to all voiceless creatures suffering from abuse and neglect. Just imagine the emotion the poor voiceless creatures, Peanut and Fred, must have felt in those final hours—too terrified, without their owner by their side, in an unknown and frightening territory. Words can hardly describe how they must have felt during those hours—caged, alone, and separated from care. Through Wally, we will raise this awareness and stand up for those who cannot speak for themselves, ensuring that no animal ever faces the fate of Peanut and Fred again.
The success of Wally will stand as a testament to a rallying cry for political action—to protect all voiceless animals suffering from abuse and cruelty. We believe that the loss of a beloved pet is as heartbreaking as losing a family member. Through Wally, we aim to send a powerful message of support to all those who understand this deep connection between humans and their pets, emphasizing that this is not just an issue of animal rights but of human compassion.
Wally is more than just a character—he’s Pnut’s legacy and in his memory Fred lives on, he is a symbol of hope, ensuring that all creatures have feelings and should be treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.
What are we doing? We are building Wally and will continue to do so until the end.